This article extensively discusses home remedy for diarrhea – it looks at the home treatment that can be given to diarrhea; before then however, it discusses upset stomach to some extent, giving you some insights on the topic, such as what diarrhea means, the symptoms, the causes, preservation, tips and when to see a doctor.
What is Diarrhea?
Diarrhea is said to be an increase in the number of times we pass loose, soft and watery stools from the body; it might sometimes be accompanied by abdominal bloating, pressure and cramps.
It should be noted however that diarrhea is quite different from some other health conditions, although they are closely related and the conditions often go with diarrhea. Notwithstanding, they are different from diarrhea because their cause and treatments are not the same.
The conditions include:(1)
Incontinence of Stool
Inability to control bowel movements until an appropriate time
Rectal Urgency
A sudden urge to have a strong bowel movement
Incomplete Evacuation
Having a sensation of having another bowel movement not too long after a bowel movement
Bowel movement not too long after a meal
It is reported that there are approximately 179 million cases of acute diarrhea every year in the United States.(2) Within few days, diarrhea will clear up on its own; severe diarrhea however can last for weeks which may require medical attention.Symptoms of Diarrhea
Diarrhea is one medical condition that has many recognizable symptoms, the major one among these symptoms is watery and loose stool which may occur three or more times in a day. Other symptoms of diarrhea may include the following:
Abdominal pain or cramp
Inability to control bowel movements
Urgent need to use the bathroom
Dehydration (which may also lead to thirst, dark-colored urine, lesser frequency in urinating, sunken eyes, sunken cheeks, dry mouth, fainting or light headaches, tiredness etc.)
When diarrhea occurs as a result of infection, your may also notice more symptoms, such as:
Fever and chills
Bloody stools
Causes of Diarrhea
There are number of factors and conditions that can cause diarrhea and they include:
Parasitic and Bacterial Infections
This can contaminate food and water and transmit bacteria into the body. such parasites that can cause diarrhea include Giardia lamblia, Cryptospordium enteretis, Entamoeba histolytica etc. Common bacterial causes of diarrhea include salmonella, shigella, campylobacter and Escherichia coli.
Traveler’s Diarrhea
The cause of this type of diarrhea is drinking water and eating foods that are contaminated with viruses, bacteria and parasites while traveling to another place (especially another country).
Medications’ Side Effects
Some medications such as antibiotics can cause diarrhea. The antibiotics when taken destroy both good and bad bacteria which can disturb the balance of the intestine.
Food allergies
Allergy to some kinds of food can cause diarrhea; some of these foods include eggs, soy, seafood, dairy etc.
Lactose Intolerance
This is another common cause of diarrhea. This is a compound found in sugar, milk and other dairy products.
Intestinal Diseases or Disorders
Some intestine disorders and diseases can cause diarrhea, such as, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease, microscopic colitis, diverticulitis, mal-absorption and celiac disease.
Alcohol Abuse
This can also cause diarrhea; strong alcoholic drinks may cause loose stools.
Others include:
Laxative abuse
Running over 15kms
Digestive surgery
Diabetic diarrhea
Some types of cancer
Radiation therapy
Home remedies for diarrhea
Let’s take a look at our exclusive lists of home treatments that can be given to diarrhea.
Water and Healthy Fluids
Dehydration is the most negative thing about diarrhea, as the body loses water due to constant stooling as well as vomiting. It is therefore necessary to get these fluids back to the body – and this can only be done drinking enough healthy liquids such as water and sports drink.
Taking water or other healthy liquids(3) should be done frequently with small sips, and should not be taken once in large quantity. It is recommended that adult males consume minimum of 13 cups or 3 liters of water every day, while adult females consume minimum of 9 cups or 2.2 liters of water each day.
Other healthy liquids that can be used to combat dehydration include herbal and non-caffeinated teas, sports drinks, vegetable juices, salty broth, flavored mineral waters, and rehydration solutions among others.
Avoid Exercise
Perhaps, you don’t know that heavy work outs can dehydrate you more. Of course, you can go on with your daily tasks; however, it is important you don’t shed lot of calories.
It is also important you don’t run during this period, in order to avoid “runner’s diarrhea” – this occurs to people who run long distances.
Eat Soothing, Small Amounts and Eating to Digest Foods
The food you eat when you have diarrhea is one of those factors that determines how long you are on your way to recovery. Hence, during this period, you should be wary of the foods you take. Below are tips that will help your eating habit when you have diarrhea:
Eat small amounts
You would not want to over-work or stress your digestive system during this period. So, you should eat small amount of foods spread over the day. Moreover, you will likely have little appetite(4) for food during this period.
Soothing Foods
The food you should take while having diarrhea should be simple and soothing. In other words, they should be foods that digest easily – the foods to consider should be those that won’t give much work to the digestive system and provide low fiber which will help minimize stooling. Foods such as rice, apples, bananas, whole grains will help a great deal.
After you must have stopped vomiting (sometimes, vomiting might not be part of your symptoms), then you should consider the BRAT diet.(5) You will probably be asking by now what BRAT diet means – BRAT is an acronym for BANANAS, RICE, APPLESAUCE AND TOAST; these foods are low-fiber foods that help increase your stools’ firmness, and they don’t upset the stomach.
Ginger is another natural food that helps fight nausea, indigestion, inflammation and upset stomach. Ginger is one food that come in different forms, and they can help ease bowel inflammation.
The shogoals and gingerols components of ginger help speed up stomach contractions,(6) hence, helping more undigested food through the body in a quick way.
Try adding ginger to your food or drink or tea to help you with an upset stomach. You can make ginger tea yourself by following the steps below(7):
Boil fresh ginger (12 slices) with 3 cups of water
Simmer for 20 minutes
Add little quantity of honey to the tea
Stir together and drink
- Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers can take ginger
- Pregnant women must not take more than 1 gram of ginger in a day
- Children under 2 years of age should not be given ginger
- Children over 2 years of age may use small amount of ginger to treat diarrhea or upset stomach.
Avoid Drinking Alcohol and Smoking
Alcohol has toxic compounds that make digestion difficult, which can further damage stomach lining and the liver. It is very essential that people with diarrhea should do away with alcoholic drinks and beverage until they get better.
Another factor that can increase the possibility of an upset stomach is smoking as it is capable of irritating the throat. So, smoking like alcohol should be avoided until you get well.(8)
Herbal Teas
Some herbal teas are very effective for treating nausea which often comes with diarrhea. Chamomile, peppermint, fenugreek and green tea are the most potent for treating diarrhea.
Chamomile tea can be taken by both children and adult9 so far they are not allergic to ragweed.
Another home remedy for diarrhea is mint. The menthol in mint may help prevent(10) vomiting and diarrhea; reduce muscle spasms in the intestines as well as capability to relive pain.
Mint, according to recent studies is a traditional remedy for diarrhea, gas and indigestion in India, Pakistan and Iran. They (mints) are boiled to make tea with cardamom. The can also be converted to juice of powder and mixed with foods, drinks or beverages.
Fiber is another natural remedy for diarrhea in children and adults as fiber helps slow down diarrhea, it also help absorb water and make stool firm instead of watery. The recommended grams of fiber for women are 25 grams per day, while the recommended grams for men are 38 grams.11
Some foods that contain insoluble fiber include barley, rice and whole grains. Others include mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, bananas, cooked carrots and mashed carrots.
Avoid eating Foods that Worsen Symptoms
While you have diarrhea, there are some foods to be eaten, and there are some certain foods to avoid. Such foods to avoid include greasy foods, spicy foods and sweet foods. Also, you should avoid some dairy products like milk. Caffeinated foods should also be avoided, as they have dehydrating power.
When to See a Doctor when you have Diarrhea
If all the above natural and home remedies for diarrhea did not work or improve your condition after 72 (seventy-two) hours, you should see your doctor, he will determine what kind of drugs to prescribe for you.
Prevention of Diarrhea
Avoid contact with infectious agents
Avoid eating from street vendors
Eat properly cooked foods
Do not eat raw or uncooked meat or seafood
Always take clean water
Tips on Diarrhea
Always keep yourself hydrated
Stay at home until symptoms have resolved
Practice good hand washing (VERY IMPORTANT)
See your doctor if symptoms worsen.
Image: PixaBay
References and Resources
- MedicineNet, “Diarrhea”
- NJEM, "Diarrhea"
- MayoClinic, “Nutrition and Healthy Eating”
- Dr. Axe, “How to Stop Diarrhea”
- WikiHow, “How to Cure Diarrhea”
- Medical News Today, "Diarrhea"
- WikiHow, “How to Make Home Remedies for Diarrhea”
- Medical News Today
- WikiHow, “How to Cure Diarrhea”
- Medical News Today
- WikiHow, “How to Cure Diarrhea”
This article is only a general information and discussion about the topic. Information and other content gotten herein should not be taken as medical advice, and the information and discussion should not be substituted for professional and medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor and other qualified health professionals regarding your health and medical conditions.