Are you looking for a home remedy for hemorrhoids? Coconut oil is believed to be one of those effective natural treatments for hemorrhoids; it can be used in treating both internal and external hemorrhoids. Here in this article, we present you some health benefits of coconut oil and how it can help treat hemorrhoids.
What is Coconut Oil?
Coconut oil is one of the few foods classified as "superfoods" because of its unique combination of fatty acids that have positive effects on human health. These effects range from weight loss, improvement of brain function, among others.
Here we present 10 impressive benefits of coconut oil for your health.
Coconut oil contains fatty acids with medicinal properties
In fact, coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat, contains 90% of these same fatty acids that were previously considered harmful to health, but because they contain medium-chain triglycerides TMC is metabolized differently in the body.
These fatty acids pass directly from the digestive tract to the liver, where they are used as an energy source and converted into ketones, an organic compound that can have a therapeutic effect in the case of brain diseases such as epilepsy or Alzheimer's.
Summary: Coconut oil contains many medium-chain triglycerides that are metabolized differently and are useful for brain function.
People that consume a lot of coconut oil are healthier
It is believed that people that consume coconut have healthy lifestyles than those who do not. And coconut is the basis of the diet of many communities living in the South Pacific; consuming up to 60% of the calories of coconut.
Summary: Many people around the world regularly consume coconut and keep them in excellent health.
Coconut can help you burn fat
Obesity today is one of the biggest health problems in the world and although many argue that it is a matter of the number of calories ingested, many point out that it depends on where these calories come from.
In fact, the different foods are processed in different ways by our body, in the case of coconut oil thanks to its medium-chain triglycerides TMC that helps us to give more energy to the body, to speed up the metabolism, which is also very good for weight loss.
Summary: Coconut oil components provide us with more energy, accelerate metabolism, which leads to fat burning in the long run.
This article is only a general information and discussion about the topic. Information and other content gotten herein should not be taken as medical advice, and the information and discussion should not be substituted for professional and medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor and other qualified health professionals regarding your health and medical conditions.
Coconut oil can kill harmful microorganisms
Fatty acids present in coconut oil are lauric acid and when it is metabolized it becomes monoglycerides called monolaurin, both have properties that make them capable of killing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Summary: Fatty acids in coconut oil can kill harmful pathogens and help prevent infections.
Coconut oil can help reduce hunger, causing you to eat less
Studies suggest that people who consume, for example, more fatty acids at breakfast do not consume them later, generally making them thinner, thus causing hunger reduction.
Summary: fatty acids in coconut oil can reduce appetite, which can help you lose weight in the long run.
Coconut oil fatty acids, if they are converted into ketones, can help reduce seizures
Right now we are studying a diet called ketone that is based on low carb and lots of other fat which can be used to treat various diseases. One of the applications is to treat the type of drug-resistant epilepsy in children. This diet consists of eating very few carbohydrates and large amounts of healthy fats to increase the number of ketones in the blood.
Summary: Triglycerides of coconut oil can increase the number of ketones in the blood, which helps reduce seizures, especially in children with epilepsy.
Coconut oil can improve cholesterol levels in the blood
Coconut oil is full of saturated fats, but they have a positive impact because they increase HDL, good cholesterol and help to change bad cholesterol, bad cholesterol, into a benign subtype. You can use an excellent tool to improve heart health.
There are studies in rats that also show that coconut oil can lower triglycerides, total LDL cholesterol, and increase HDL by improving blood coagulation factors and antioxidant status. Excellent reasons to consume coconut oil today.
Summary: There are already many studies that point out that coconut oil is good for reducing cholesterol and reducing existing cholesterol, which helps us to take care of the health of our heart.
Coconut oil protects hair from environmental damage, moisturizes the skin and acts as a sunscreen
In addition to eating it, coconut oil is a great ally of beauty. Many people use it on their hair as well as to remove dry skin. Likewise, it proves to be an excellent ingredient to repair and protect the hair, and even the skin against the sun's rays that blocks 20%.
It can also be used as a mouthwash in a technique called oil extraction that is becoming more and more famous every day since it kills bacteria, improves oral health and whitens teeth.
Fatty acids in coconut oil can improve brain function in patients with Alzheimer's
It has been studied that part of the Alzheimer's problem is the reduced ability of the body to use glucose to feed the brain. It has been discovered that the ketones that are formed when coconut oil is consumed can provide energy and help reduce the symptoms of this disease.
In a 2006 study, it was also found that the consumption of medium-chain triglycerides can have a positive impact on the brain activity of Alzheimer's patients.
Summary: Many of the elements that make up coconut oil have proven to be very useful for brain function, today you can start using it as a prevention to keep your brain strong in the future.
Coconut oil can help you lose fat, especially abdominal fat
Excess weight is never healthy, but abdominal fat causes serious damage to our body and is associated with many modern diseases. It's a fat that's hard to melt and lose, but coconut oil which helps reduce appetite and accelerates fat burning can help you fight it.
What’s more?
You have read all the benefits of coconut oil and to benefit from it the best thing is to consume extra virgin olive oil and organic coconut oil, a product that will do well to your body inside and out.
Now, we can go straight to how coconut oil can help treat hemorrhoids.
Coconut oil for hemorrhoids
The treatment of hemorrhoids often includes the control of swelling, discomfort, and inflammation. Coconut oil can be used to treat all these symptoms. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and offers a variety of health benefits. It can be used topically or orally to treat hemorrhoids and their symptoms.
Although there is no scientific evidence that says it is true, many victims of hemorrhoids who actually used walnut oil demonstrate the effectiveness of this remedy.
Coconut oil has many properties and health benefits that can help treat hemorrhoids. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and swelling. The strong analgesic properties of oil (or analgesics) can help to reduce the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, while its antibacterial properties allow faster healing of hemorrhoids.
Coconut oil can also help relieve constipation through a laxative effect. Constipation or heavy stress during bowel movements is a common cause of hemorrhoids. This can help with treatment and prevention.
Can I use coconut oil for hemorrhoids?
Of course, you can.
If you use coconut oil for medicinal purposes, use the best coconut oil you can find. Organic coconut oil is the least-processed variety you can find and therefore has the greatest health benefits.
You can take coconut oil internally by taking it regularly or by an external application. Both methods of application can effectively treat your symptoms.
Here are some ways to use coconut oil to treat hemorrhoids:
- Add coconut oil to your diet
- You can cook with coconut oil
- Mix coconut oil with witch hazel.
- Apply the mixture with a cotton ball on external hemorrhoids.
- Do this several times a day until your symptoms disappear.
- Create coconut oil suppositories.
- You can make coconut oil suppositories by pouring coconut oil into small cylinders.
- Freeze them before they are used - both coconut oil and cold temperatures can bring quick relief.
- Mix melted coconut oil and turmeric.
- Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes the blend of coconut and turmeric a powerful combination.
- Apply directly to the outer hemorrhoids with a cotton ball or cloth.
- Add about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of coconut oil to your bath.
- Hot water and coconut oil have a calming effect and can reduce hemorrhoids and relieve symptoms.
- As an added benefit, coconut oil also makes the rest of your skin silky.
Side effects and risks of side effects and risks
It is also important to take note of some side effects of coconut oil.
Coconut oil can cause disorders of the digestive tract if your body is not used to it. It can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps or indigestion. Because of this, start with a teaspoon of coconut oil a day and work your way up. Do not consume more than 3 tablespoons a day.
If your hemorrhoids were caused by diarrhea, do not use coconut oil because it can make diarrhea and hemorrhoids worse and worsen your symptoms.
Coconut oil is safe for pregnant women to treat hemorrhoids, both internally and externally.
Although coconut oil appears to be a safe alternative to other saturated fats and can reduce the "bad" cholesterol rate, more research is needed to assess how healthy it is to the heart. High levels of saturated fat could, in theory, increase the risk of heart disease, despite claims that it can decrease it.
Thanks to the many healing properties of coconut oil, it can be a suitable home treatment to help you get rid of hemorrhoids and their uncomfortable symptoms. However, if coconut oil or other over-the-counter treatments have not helped improve your symptoms after one week or two, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss other treatment options.
References and Citations
- National Institute of Health, Hemorrhoids: Modern Remedies for an Ancient Disease - Retrieved 19th December 2018.
- Wikipedia, Coconut oil - Retrieved 19th December 2018.
- HealthLine, Top 10Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil - Retrieved 19th December 2018.
- Underground Wellness, Coconut Oil: Germ Warfare! - Retrieved 19th December 2018.
- National Institute of Health, Coconut oil and palm oil's role in nutrition, health and national development: a review - Retrieved 19th December 2018.
This article is only a general information and discussion about the topic. Information and other content gotten herein should not be taken as medical advice, and the information and discussion should not be substituted for professional and medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor and other qualified health professionals regarding your health and medical conditions.
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